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International Summer Academy from July 1st to July 3rd 2013 on “Dialogue on the relation between corporate governance and environmental governance »

The schedule of the International Summer Academy, please click on this link:  [Téléchargement introuvable]

The Institut Droit Ethique Patrimoine (IDEP) of the Faculty Jean Monnet is organizing an International Summer Academy from July 1st to July 3rd 2013 on “Dialogue on the relation between corporate governance and environmental governance”. The scientific direction is conducted by Dr. Pauline Abadie, Associate Law Professor at the Faculty Jean Monnet since September 2012 and member of the IDEP’s Law & Business Ethics Division.

The Academy comes within the scope of an international and European context marked by the aftermath of a financial crisis that has generated problems the law must provide appropriate and long-lasting solutions to.

The slippage from the concept of Sustainable Development, firstly discovered at the 1972 Stockholm Conference, to the concept of Green Economy, at the heart of the 2012 Earth Summit in Rio last year, shows how – beyond semantic nuances – the search for a sound balance between economic efficiency and human and sustainable progress still remains a work under construction. Translated into the business language, it highlights how the notions of shareholder value, best interest of the corporation, performance or profitability are called to evolve.

To achieve such complex conciliations, the concept of governance has often been presented as a particularly promising instrument. For the past decade, “governance” has become a central catchword in the social sciences literature. In the legal field, it is both known of corporate law scholars and practitioners interested in ethical issues, executive remunerations, control systems and the rebalance of powers within the corporate structure; and of their public law colleagues to whom environmental protection, because of the conflicting interests at stake, suitably binds to negotiated processes.

The concept of governance is thus transcending the public/private divide; a distinction that common law and civil law countries understand differently. Yet, on both edge of the frontier, governance refers to the exercise of a power directed to furthering an interest, may it be the corporate interest or the public interest. Beyond the more theoretical conceptions of such key concepts in the civil law and common law traditions, on the one hand, the impact of Sustainable Development on corporate governance now mandates to pay increased attention to (and to empower) extra-financial interests (consumers, employees, environmental groups and other stakeholders). Conversely, and on the other hand, the new participatory claims associated with environmental governance require public authorities to give greater consideration to private societal and business interests, by relying on contract, at all three stages of decision-making, implementation and enforcement.

In this pendulum movement, where public and private interests seem to converge, though not necessarily assimilate, and where self-regulation in environmental matters becomes a tool in the hands of both public and private actors, the International Summer Academy offers to inquire into the two parallel trends of corporate governance and environmental governance. It will scrutinize its underlying foundations, analyze its concrete expressions, and generally examine how they mutually borrow from, enrich or pervade their original content.

Corporate governance and environmental governance do not exclusively belong to the legal realm. From sociology to philosophy, from history to management science, they require an interdisciplinary look that the Academy has chosen to emphasize.

This event is free and accessible to everyone.

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